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keep ¿¬½À¹®Á¦ Á¤´ä ±èÀºÁ¤ (joaumma) 2008-09-22  07:12:55


  1. ³²µé µû¶ó °¡·Á°í ÇÏÁö¸¶.

Don¡¯t try to keep up with others.

  1. ³ª»Û ¼Ò½ÄÀº È¥ÀÚ¸¸ ¾Ë°í ÀÖ¾î.

Keep the bad news to yourself.

  1. ³»°¡ °°ÀÌ ÀÖ¾îÁÙ²².

I¡¯ll keep you company.

  1. °Ç¹° ¹Û¿¡ ³ª°¡°è¼¼¿ä.

       Keep out of the building.

  1. ³Í ¶È°°Àº ½Ç¼ö¸¦ °è¼Ó Çϴ±¸³ª

      You keep repeating the same mistake.


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